If there is a problem with your order, items are faulty, or you wish to return goods for any other reason, please contact us at If you wish to return merchandise goods only, they must be returned unopened in their original packaging to us.

Returns must be sent to: United Drinks Limited, Unit 5, Great West Trading Estate, 983 Great West Road, London, England, TW8 9DN

Refunds will not be issued in the instance of an order being placed outside the conditions of the delivery parameters stated below. We shall not be liable to pay any compensation to you, other than any refund as stated above.

1.1 If you change your mind, you have a legal right to cancel any contract during the period set out in paragraph 1.3 below. This means that if, during the relevant period, you change your mind, you can cancel the contract and receive a refund.

1.2 Be aware that your right to cancel a contract if you change your mind does not apply in the case of a product which is sealed for health protection purposes which you unseal after you receive it.

1.3 Your right to cancel a contract by law starts from the date of the Dispatch Confirmation (the date on which we contact you to confirm our acceptance of your order), which is when the contract between us is formed. Your deadline for cancelling the contract then depends on what you have ordered and how it is delivered, as set out below:

Your Contract is for a single product or for multiple products which are dispatched in a single box

The end date is the end of 14 days after the day on which you receive the product(s). For example: if we provide you with a Dispatch Confirmation on 1 January and you receive the product(s) on 10 January you may cancel at any time between 1 January and the end of the day on 24 January.

Your Contract is for multiple products which are delivered on separate days

The end date is 14 days after the day on which you receive the last to be delivered of the products ordered. For example: if we provide you with a Dispatch Confirmation on 1 January and you receive the last product on 15 January you may cancel in respect of any (or all) of the products at any time between 1 January and the end of the day on 29 January.

1.4 You can let us know that you have decided to cancel a contract via e-mailing us at, send us a tweet or contact our Customer Services humans using any of the other methods set out here. When you send us an email:

1.4.1 Please include your name and details of your order to help us to identify it;

1.4.2 We will contact you to confirm we have received your cancellation; and

1.4.3 Your cancellation will be effective from the date you send us notice of cancellation.

1.5 Except as set out below, if you cancel your contract because you have changed your mind we will:

1.5.1 Refund you the price you paid for the product;

1.5.2 Refund any postage and packaging costs which you paid in connection with the delivery of the product to you. However, please note that we are permitted by law to refund only the costs of delivery by the least expensive delivery method we offer. For example, if we offer delivery of a product within 3-5 days at one cost but you choose to have the product delivered within 24 hours at a higher cost, then we are required to only refund what you would have paid for the cheapest delivery option;

1.5.3 Make any refunds due to you as soon as you have let us know that you have decided to cancel your contract.

However, please note that:

1.5.4 Any refund which we make will be on the condition that you return the product to us and that we do actually receive the product back from you;

1.5.5 If the product is actually received by us:

(a) We will reduce (potentially to £zero) the value of that part of your refund which relates to the cost of the product (but not the part of the refund which relates to postage and packaging costs) to reflect any reduction in the value of the product, if this has been caused by your handling it in a way which would not be permitted in a shop (for example, if you unseal a product which is sealed for health protection purposes);

(b) We will reduce (potentially to £zero) the value of that part of your refund which relates to the cost of the product (but not the part of the refund which relates to postage and packaging costs) to reflect any reduction in the value of the product which results from damage to the product which occurs when it is being returned to us.

If we make a refund to you and later discover that you have not returned the product to us, or that you have handled it in an unacceptable way or that it has been damaged by you or by your carrier when it is being returned to us, you must pay us an appropriate amount. We will calculate that amount, acting reasonably, and will deduct it from the bank account which you used to pay for the product. We may make the required deduction from your bank account in more than one payment. Further information about how to return a product is set out in paragraph 1.9 below.

1.6 You will be responsible for the cost of returning the product to us. Whilst we are under no obligation to do so, if we have offered to collect the product from you and you have accepted that offer, we will charge you the direct cost to us of collection. If a product is faulty, not as described, where we have delivered the wrong product or the Google Certified Shops Programme determines that you should receive a refund.

1.7 If a product is faulty or has not been described accurately, if we have delivered the wrong product or the Google Certified Shops Programme determines that you should receive a refund, you have a legal right to reject that product. If you wish to reject a product you must let us know that you are rejecting the product and return that product to the address set out in paragraph 1.9 below. You can let us know that you are rejecting the product in lots of different ways, including by completing and submitting the cancellation form on our website. Our dispatch confirmation will include a link to the cancellation form. You can also e-mail us at, send us a tweet or contact our Customer Services humans using any of the other methods set out here. We will refund the price of the product in full and the delivery charges which you actually paid to have the product delivered to you and any reasonable costs you incur in returning the product to us. For the avoidance of doubt, products with cosmetic defects which are sold and purchased under the "clearance” range shall not be deemed as faulty.

Returns and refunds generally

1.8 We will refund you using the same method which you used to pay.

1.9 You must return a product to us without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days after the day on which you let us know that you wish to cancel the contract. You must send the product back to us at:

United Drinks Limited, Unit 5, Great West Trading Estate, 983 Great West Road, London, England, TW8 9DN

Please include a copy of the order paperwork which you receive from us, or at least a note of the order number, when you return the product to allow us to identify your order.

1.10 Remember that you do not have the right to cancel a contract in the circumstances set out in paragraph 1.2 above and that your right to a refund may be reduced by us in accordance with paragraph 1.5 above.

1.11 As you are a consumer (that is to say that you enter this contract otherwise than in the course of your trade or business), we are under a legal duty to supply a product that is in conformity with this contract. As a consumer, you have legal rights in relation to a product that is faulty or not as described. These legal rights are not affected by your right of return and refund in these terms. For the avoidance of doubt, products with cosmetic defects which are sold and purchased under the "clearance” range shall not be deemed as faulty.

1.12 Advice about your legal rights is available (in the United Kingdom) from the Citizens Advice website:

365-day return policy

1.13 In addition to your statutory rights, we offer returns within 365 days from the date of the relevant order for certain goods, the following terms apply to under this policy:

1.13.1 We reserve the right to amend, include, and exclude terms which apply to offering "365 days return" in our sole and absolute discretion, whilst acting reasonably and in good faith. All decisions made by us in relation to this offer will be final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into. For the avoidance of doubt, your statutory rights are not affected;

1.13.2 All provisions above regarding returning the product continues to apply and must be complied with (this means that we will require you to return the product to us in sellable condition or in the condition which was received by you, as the case may be);

1.13.3 You can only return products under this policy which: (a) are alcoholic beverages and (b) purchased via the website;

1.13.4 You cannot return products under this policy which: (a) were purchased via limited allocation or won via auction, (b) were purchased via a marketplace and not on our website, (c) are perishable goods or goods passed their "use by” or "best before” or expiry date (as the case may be).